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Tiny Titans of the Underwater World

Amphipods. These tiny creatures may be small in stature, but they wield an array of mighty superpowers that make them essential to marine ecosystems—not just in Victoria, but across the globe! But what superpowers do these bugs of the sea possess?

Ecosystem Heroes: Cleanup Crusaders

Amphipods are amazing janitors, cleaning up organic debris from algae to dead matter. This process breaks down these materials into nutrients, which feed other marine organisms and are vital for sustaining a healthy marine ecosystem. Their tireless efforts work to ensure that nothing goes to waste, keeping the underwater world clean and healthy.

Extreme Survivors: Diverse Dwellers

Amphipods truly are global citizens, inhabiting environments ranging from freshwater streams to the depths of the deep sea. From the freezing Arctic poles to the tropical beaches along the equator, they thrive in nearly every aquatic environment. Their superpower to adapt to such a wide range of environmental conditions along with the jobs they perform makes them essential heroes in maintaining ecosystems.

Tiny Romantics with Tremendous Love

Don’t let their small size fool you—amphipods have big (metaphorical) hearts! Males often carry their larger female partners on their backs for days, sometimes even weeks, as part of their mating process. That’s pretty romantic! This unique behavior increases the chances of successful reproduction. Their superhero power? Unwavering dedication to their mission of love and survival!

Miniature to Massive

Amphipods can range in size from a few millimeters to even an impressive 30cm long! This large range of sizes is a result of the diverse environments and conditions they inhabit, from shallow coastal waters to the deep cold seas. Where predators are highly abundant such as in shallow waters, being small allows amphipods to hide and camouflage within their surroundings. Meanwhile, in the deep sea, where food is scarce, larger amphipods can travel greater distances to find sustenance and store more energy, enabling them to withstand the extreme pressure and cold conditions.

Masters of Disguise

Their powers are not limited to cleaning, romance, and diverse habitats, but additionally amphipods truly are the masters of disguise. With their expertise in camouflage, these individuals blend seamlessly into their surroundings, whether it’s hiding amongst seagrass or mimicking grains of sands. This superpower allows amphipods to escape predators and explore their environment for food with peace of mind.

Their Kryptonite: Pollution

Despite their stack of superpowers, amphipods are not invincible! One kryptonite they face is pollution, being very sensitive to the pollutants in their surroundings. From chemicals to microplastics and metals, this essential marine creature faces a plethora of threats.

So although amphipods may be small in stature, their importance is anything but little, proving even the smallest of superheroes deserve our attention. Let’s all keep our waters clean and protect these mighty, mini, magnificent creatures. And in doing so, we can keep our ecosystems healthy too.

Written by Sarah Carrington

If you would like to learn more about the huge diversity of life that can be found along our coasts and shorelines, please contact our Education Director at for a public event, school holiday program or school incursion/excursion.

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