Your gift donation to the Future Generations Appeal will bring a smile to your loved-one’s face. They will know they are part of protecting some of the most loved creatures and their environment.
Your gift will help to expand our Research Fellowship Program, Two Bays Whale Project and i sea, i care Ambassador program. Many find it surprising that we receive little government funding – but it makes your support even more important. Read about our work the Summer Snapshot (scroll down).
We aim to raise $20,000 from this Appeal. Our promise to you is that we will always strive to achieve a lasting impact on behalf of our donors and the communities we serve.
It’s simple and secure to donate using the following 3-part and secure payment form.
You can choose to have a personalised email sent to you, to personally share, or sent to the recipient automatically when you complete the form. The email will include a graphic like the one shown here.
You can use this form to make a personal gift too.