The Great Global Nurdle Hunt is on again from October 1st-31st! Education Team members Mandy and Jacqui conducted a nurdle hunt at Rosebud foreshore on the Mornington Peninsula last week. Watch this little clip to learn how to conduct a nurdle hunt, it is so easy and so important for helping to stop litter at the source!
Have you heard about The Great Nurdle hunt before? If not see below for a summary of the project and how to conduct and submit a nurdle hunt from the organisers Organisers: @Greatnurdler (twitter and instagram) @nurdlehunt (Facebook) @FidraTweets
‘The Great Nurdle Hunt is a citizen science engagement project that aims to raise awareness of plastic pellet (nurdle) pollution and build evidence of the extent of this problem globally. Taking part is easy, fun and contributes valuable data, illustrating worldwide nurdle pollution. FIDRA will then use this data as evidence to take to government and industry to show that this is a problem, lots of people care and to encourage work towards a coordinated solution.
Head to your chosen location and count and record number of nurdles.
Record the number of people hunting
Record how long you were hunting (minimum 10 minutes)
Submit data online at
Please remember that find zero nurdles is just as important so make sure to submit your findings even if you don’t find any nurdles’
The Dolphin Research Education Team runs public and school programs on all things litter sources, pathways, collecting, sorting and reporting. If you would like to learn more, or to book a program please contact Education Director Mandy Robertson on
#TheGreatNurdleHunt #Nurdles #NurdleHunting #DolphinResearchEducationTeam #stoplitteratthesource
Hi, my 14yr old daughter, Alana, is interested in taking part in one of your programs. Is it possible for her to tack onto one of your existing bookings.