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DRI leads Moorooduc Primary students to posters and pledges against plastic


Tackling the plastic pollution problem is no easy task, but there are some schools that are paving the way. In August this year, the Dolphin Research Institute team visited the Grade 3/4s at Moorooduc Primary for an incursion on Victoria’s treasures including whales, dolphins and seals and the impacts humans are having on their environment.

After a presentation on these fascinating creatures, they raced to find common litter items in sand tubs and then discussed sources and solutions! Curiosity was sparked and so was the drive to protect our unique backyard.

The next few weeks were spent reading about the effects of plastics in our oceans, and beginning to write texts about how we can reduce our litter problem. This would also become the storyline of their own stop motion video.

Students then created persuasive posters to educate and encourage their school and community to dispose of waste responsibly; and reduce, reuse and recycle!

The students made plastic pledges where they promised to make one significant change in their lives to reduce the amount of plastic waste we produce. A tactic that plays a key role in behaviour change.

A month after we visited, the Grade 3/4 students exhibited their stop motion videos and posters to families and younger peers to educate and inspire them to be waste-wise. Winners of the best three posters won a Dolphin Research Institute bucket hat and a certificate for being an ocean warrior!

During the term break, two students even went to Mornington beach and conducted a beach clean up! Finding 105 pieces of rubbish, including a big balloon – a serial polluter!

They now have a permanent display in their office to educate any visitors about our impacts on the environment.

Whilst the students are already making big ripples in their community, we look forward to seeing them develop into marine champions as i sea, i care ambassadors in a couple of years’ time!